Should a Power of Attorney be Drafted for My Elderly Parents?

By Chris Tymchuck
Founding Attorney

As our parents age, important decisions regarding their health and finances often arise. A critical tool in navigating these decisions is the power of attorney (POA). But what exactly is a POA, and should you consider having one drafted for your elderly parents? This blog will delve into the ins and outs of this important legal document.

What Is a Power of Attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document that grants one person, referred to as the agent or attorney-in-fact, the authority to act on behalf of another person, known as the principal. This authority can encompass a range of actions, from managing finances to making medical decisions. The scope and duration of this authority can vary, depending on the type of POA and the wishes of the principal. It provides a way for individuals to ensure their affairs are managed according to their preferences, even if they become incapacitated.

Why Consider a Power of Attorney for Elderly Parents?

As your parents age, there’s an increased likelihood they may face health or cognitive challenges that impact their ability to make informed decisions. A power of attorney becomes an essential tool in such situations, ensuring that their wishes and best interests are safeguarded. Without a POA in place, you might encounter legal barriers when attempting to assist with their financial or personal matters, which can complicate and delay crucial decisions.

Different Types of Powers of Attorney

  • General Power of Attorney – This type of POA grants you broad powers to represent and act for your parents in a variety of matters. It may include handling financial transactions, buying or selling property, or conducting business. Unless specified otherwise, this POA becomes void if your parent becomes incapacitated.
  • Limited (Special) Power of Attorney – As the name suggests, this POA grants you authority to act on your parent’s behalf for specific, clearly defined situations only. For instance, your parent might use a limited POA to authorize someone to sell a particular property on their behalf.
  • Durable Power of Attorney – This POA remains in effect even if your parent becomes mentally incapacitated. It’s “durable” because it endures past such incapacitation, ensuring that you can continue to make decisions in their best interest.
  • Non-Durable Power of Attorney – Typically used for short-term situations, this POA automatically expires if your parent becomes mentally incapacitated. It’s often utilized for a specific transaction, like selling a home, where your parent might not be present.
  • Springing Power of Attorney – This type of POA “springs” into effect in a specific situation, usually when your parent becomes incapacitated. It remains dormant until the outlined conditions or events occur.

Benefits of a Power of Attorney for Elderly Parents

Establishing a POA for your elderly parents offers numerous benefits, ensuring that their well-being and interests remain a top priority. One of the most significant advantages is the clear path it provides for decision-making. Whether it’s a medical choice, financial transaction, or day-to-day task, a POA ensures that your actions align with your parent’s wishes, even if they become unable to express or decide for themselves. This clarity helps in avoiding potential disputes among family members and ensures continuity in managing their affairs.

Additionally, a POA offers peace of mind for both you and your parents. Knowing that there’s a trusted individual appointed to manage crucial decisions reduces the emotional strain and uncertainty that can arise during unexpected situations. This proactive measure guarantees that, even during challenging times, your parents’ voices are honored, and their best interests are consistently upheld.

Limitations of Powers of Attorney

While POAs are powerful tools, there are limitations. A POA can only grant powers that the principal originally has; it cannot provide an agent with rights or capabilities beyond those of the principal. Additionally, certain decisions, especially those related to end-of-life care or changing a will, are outside the scope of a standard POA. Given the fact that circumstances and wishes can change over time, it’s also crucial to regularly review and, if necessary, update POA documents to ensure they remain aligned with the principal’s current desires.

How to Draft a Power of Attorney in Minnesota

In Minnesota, drafting a power of attorney requires adhering to specific guidelines. The document must clearly outline the powers granted to the agent and be signed by your parent in the presence of a notary public. You, or the person being appointed as the agent, must also sign the document. Given the complexities of estate planning and potential variations in individual needs, it is highly recommended that you consult with a Minnesota estate planning attorney to ensure the document is legally sound and adequately addresses your parent’s intentions.

Contact Unique Estate Law for Help With Your Power of Attorney

Considering a power of attorney for your elderly parents is an essential step in safeguarding their wishes and well-being during times when they might be unable to make decisions for themselves. Having a POA in place not only provides clarity in decision-making but also alleviates potential stress and legal complications down the road. If you’re contemplating a POA for yourself or your loved ones, contact Unique Estate Law; we can guide you through the process.

About the Author
As a Minneapolis Estate Planning and Probate attorney I help build and protect families through the adoption, estate planning, and probate processes. I also have experience working with families on issues related to their small businesses. I know how difficult it is to find time to plan for the future and I am here to help walk you through it.