Common Mistakes People Make When Estate Planning

At Unique Estate Law, we know that estate planning can seem complicated. If you try to do it on your own, without the benefit of an estate planning attorney, it usually is! However, even if you consult with an experienced estate planning attorney, there are some mistakes we, unfortunately, see people make when they begin…

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Updating Your Estate Plans After a Divorce

If you are currently going through a divorce, or have recently gone through a divorce, you are likely focused on important topics like child custody, division of assets, and alimony. However, you should not neglect another important topic: your estate. Many individuals who go through a divorce dread adding another task to their to-do list,…

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Digital Property and Minnesota Estate Planning

Q: What happens to my online assets upon my death? The cyberworld we live in requires unique estate planning. Truth be told, many of us have difficulty being separated our cell phones and tablets for minutes – – much less an eternity. But have you ever considered what would happen to all of your online…

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Dying in Your Teens

Q: Does a teenager need an estate plan? Understandably, people don’t like to think about their own death and they certainly don’t want to think of their child dying. Consequently, they may not see a Minnesota estate planning lawyer for the first time until they reach a milestone like a marriage or the birth of…

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What Are Federal and Minnesota Estate Taxes?

Estate taxes are essentially a tax on the transfer of your assets to others after you pass away. Anything that is left in your estate when you pass will be taxed. However, estate taxes only “kick in” once you pass a certain threshold because assets below that amount are exempt entirely. There is a federal estate…

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