Chris Tymchuck with Minneapolis skyline in the background

About Chris

Who am I?

My name is Chris Tymchuck and I love what I do. As a Minneapolis Estate Planning and Probate attorney I help build and protect families through the adoption, estate planning, and probate processes. I also have experience working with families on issues related to their small business. Many families have a small business that is vital to their personal and financial well being and I want to ensure that the business is protected and can run smoothly.

I have the experience to help you both as an attorney and as someone who has navigated the legal system as I have participated in that system both as an advocate for families and as a client going through the second-parent adoption process in adopting both my kids and as someone who handled the probate process for my family after the death of my father.

I am an attorney …

As an attorney I have represented clients in a variety of matters from small civil disputes to multi-million dollar litigation and from estate planning for families to assisting surviving heirs with the probate process. In my estate planning practice, I custom draft plans based on the unique needs of each client using a transparent, flat fee, system so my clients know the cost up front with no surprises.

I have worked with numerous families to help them work through the difficult process of collecting and distributing assets after the death of a loved one. I have also helped guide families through the process of obtaining a guardianship and conservatorship over an incapacitated loved one.

I have assisted clients in closing real estate deals and helping small business get up and running.

As a qualified neutral in both civil and family matters, I am uniquely qualified to provide my services as a mediator for estate and trust disputes. For this, I draw upon my extensive legal history working on both civil and estate matters. My diverse background helps me offer understanding and unique solutions to those attempting to resolve an estate dispute.

I am uniquely qualified to handle the complex legal issues facing today’s modern family. Whether protecting your assets from a break-up, incapacity or death, I can assist you in making sure that you have the final say in who gets your property. If you are interested in my legal services, please contact me to set up an initial consultation.

I am more than just an attorney

I understand how stressful it can be to carefully plan a family and then worry about how to protect them if the unspeakable happens. I have been the nervous new parent testifying under oath during the hearing to adopt my kids.  Even though the day is a blur of emotions now, I do recall the Judge asking me to promise to provide for her “health, welfare and education.” Education?  Who knew that was part of the deal? And how far do I need to take that? College? Medical School?

I am called “Mor” – pronounced more – by my kids. My family is Danish and I grew up calling my grandmother Bedstemoder so it seemed a natural progression. Though it does cause some confusion when others call me Mom and my daughter says “I call her Mor.” Insert “more what” joke here. This may backfire when she’s a teenager.

I am a runner thanks to the couch to 5k program. I began by struggling to run 1 minute so I could reach the part where I got to walk for 1 1/2 minutes. But, nine weeks later I could run for 45 minutes with NO walking. Of course, the program assumes that I can complete a 5k in 30 minutes but I am a really slow runner and spend most of the time thinking to myself “don’t sit down.” So, if you lap a runner who looks like me, please offer encouragement or, better yet, shout “don’t sit down!”

On July 4, 2014, I finished the Red, White and Boom Half Marathon. I can now say that I am a “Half Marathoner.” And I am the owner of a shiny new “13.1” bumper sticker. Hey – I earned it!

I am here to help you

I know how difficult it is to find time to plan for the future and I am here to help walk you through it. I understand the stress of relying on another to handle your most important matters, which is why I promise to respond to communications from clients within 1 business day. Not sure what estate planning is or what it’s like to work with an estate planning law firm? If you are interested in my estate planning services, please read through the page entitled “The Planning Process” on this website to get a step-by-step explanation of what it’s like to work with Unique Estate Law. You can also visit the “Testimonials” page to hear what clients have to say about working with me.

  • William Mitchell College of Law, J.D.
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, B.A. (Go ahead and ask..Why did I move to MN? – everyone does)
  • Certification for Elder Care Mediation
  • A Procedural Quagmire: How to Proceed with an Action in Minnesota When a Client Dies En Pendente Lite, 33 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 1175 (2007)
  • Choice Moms, LLC: Monthly columnist providing legal analysis on topics affecting single moms.
  • The Gay Estate: Writer and editor of award-winning blog addressing estate planning issues for the LGBT community.
Speaking Engagements and Press
  • Minnesota CLE, Probate and Trust Conference, Your First Client, Using the Initial Client Interview, 2019
  • Minnesota CLE, Probate and Trust Conference, Considering Mental Health and Addiction in Estate Planning, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Top Challenges in Estate Administration, Common Misunderstandings About the Process, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Top Challenges in Estate Administration, Impediments to Initial Steps and Notices, Opening the Estate, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Customizing Estate Plans: Top Techniques That Work, Planning for Real Estate, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Estate Administration 101, Probate Procedure Overview and Case Intake, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Estate Administration 101, Initial Estate Administration Steps, 2019
  • National Business Institute, Estate Administration 101, Ethics and Estate Administration, 2019
  • Ramsey County Bar Association, Considerations in Probate Mediation, 2019
  • Minnesota CLE, Probate and Trust Conference, Your First Client, Using the Initial Client Interview to Inform the Estate Plan, 2018
  • Minnesota CLE, Keys to Settling Probate and Estate Matters in Mediation, 2018
  • National Business Institute Seminars, The Probate Process Start to Finish, 2017
  • National Business Institute Seminars, Trusts A to Z, Grantor Trusts, 2017
  • Minnesota CLE, Quick Answers to the Legal Questions That Friends, Relatives and Strangers Will Ask You at Cocktail Parties, 2017
  • National Business Institute Seminars, Trusts A to Z, Special Trusts and Issues, 2017
  • National Business Institute Seminars, Trusts 101, Grantor Trusts, 2016
  • Professor, Inver Hills Community College Paralegal Studies Program, Probate Law 101, 2016
  • Aveda Institute, 2016, Presenter,  ​What is an Estate Plan?
  • Western Insurance Company, 2016, PresenterEstate Planning 101 and Your Employee’s Well Being
  • WestLegal CLE, 2013 Presenter, Same-Sex Marriage and Inheritance Rights: Moving toward Equality
  • Minnesota Lawyer 2012, interviewed and quoted on issue of same sex marriage and inheritance rights
  • Family Equality Council, 2012 Midwest (aka Rainbow Families) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Money Matters, Protecting Your Legal and Financial Future
  • William Mitchell Alumni 2012 CLE Series: The Intersection of Estate Planning and Family Law
  • 2012 Justice Esther M. Tomljanovich Tea for Women in Law Panel: Diverse Voices: Representing and Working with People from Different Cultures
  • 2011 Family Equality Council, Midwest (aka Rainbow Families) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Money Matters, Protecting Your Legal and Financial Future
  • Ramsey County Bar Association, 2010 St. Paul, Minnesota: Homophobia/Heterosexism/Sexual Stigma: An Exploration Through Experience, Listening and Talking
  • University of St. Thomas School of Law, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota: Does Size Matter? Understanding the Impact of Firm Size on Practice
  • As seen in The Women’s Press
  • As heard on am950 radio
Past and Current Leadership Positions
  • Chair of the Estate and Trust Department at SchindelSegal, PLLC
  • William Mitchell Alumni Board of Directors, Board Member
  • Med-Diet Laboratories, Inc., Board of Directors, Board Member
  • First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis, Board of Directors, Foundation
  • Burger Inns of Court, Member
  • The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis, Member
  • Quorum, Vice President, Board Member
  • Rainbow Rumpus, Board Member
  • Federal Bar Association Diversity Committee
  • Minnesota State Bar Association Diversity Committee
  • Minnesota Lavender Bar Association, Board Member