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Potentially Problematic Assets in Estate Planning

By Chris Tymchuck
Founding Attorney

Estate planning is essential for ensuring a smooth transition of your assets after your passing, but did you know that certain assets can complicate this process more than others? What are these potentially problematic assets, and how can they impact your estate plan? 

Problematic Assets in Estate Planning

Problematic assets in the context of estate planning refer to those assets that present unique challenges or complexities when transferring ownership or determining their value. These assets can often lead to disputes among beneficiaries, extended probate processes, or unforeseen tax implications. Recognizing and understanding these assets is vital to ensure a seamless estate planning experience and to avoid potential pitfalls in the future.

Real Estate Held in Multiple Jurisdictions

If you hold real estate in multiple jurisdictions, it can complicate estate planning due to differing laws, taxes, and regulations in each location. Owning property in various states or countries means navigating multiple sets of probate rules, which can lead to increased time and costs during the estate settlement process. Additionally, your heirs might face challenges with inheritance tax obligations or legal constraints based on the property’s location. Proper planning can ensure a smooth transition of these properties to your intended beneficiaries.

Digital Assets and Cryptocurrencies

Your digital assets encompass a range of online possessions, from social media accounts and blogs to digital photos and emails. As our lives become increasingly digital, the importance of addressing these assets in estate planning grows. Without explicit instructions and access details, your family may face challenges accessing or inheriting these digital memories, accounts, or platforms. It’s essential to include provisions for digital assets, ensuring they don’t become lost or inaccessible after your passing.

If you hold cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, you must also address these assets as part of your estate plan. Their volatile nature can significantly impact the value of your estate within a short period, complicating matters for your beneficiaries. Moreover, without access to cryptographic keys, these digital currencies can become irretrievable, leading to potential losses for heirs. In  light of this, it’s important to securely document and share access mechanisms and also to consider their fluctuating values as part of your estate planning.

Family-Owned Businesses

Family-owned businesses can present unique challenges with respect to estate planning. Determining an equitable division of the business can be complicated, especially when some family members are actively involved while others are not. Potential disputes can arise over business valuations, and the establishment of a clear succession plan is necessary to ensure the company’s continued success.

Tax considerations also come into play with family-owned entities. The business structure and its value can lead to significant estate tax liabilities upon your passing. This can sometimes necessitate selling parts or the entirety of the business to settle those debts. Additionally, distinguishing personal finances from business ones is crucial to creating an effective estate plan, preserving both the business’s economic value and its family legacy.

Jointly Owned Assets

Jointly owned assets, such as real estate, bank accounts, or investments, are properties shared by two or more individuals. In the context of estate planning, they can introduce complexities due to their co-ownership nature. Depending on the type of joint ownership, the death of one owner might lead to the automatic transfer of their share to the surviving owner(s), bypassing probate. This can sometimes conflict with the deceased’s wishes in their will. Properly addressing jointly owned assets in an estate plan ensures that they are distributed in accordance with your intentions while minimizing potential disputes among beneficiaries.

Collectibles and Tangible Personal Property

Your collectibles and tangible personal property, such as art, jewelry, antiques, and other unique items, hold both monetary and sentimental value. It can be challenging to find a value for these assets, since their worth can fluctuate based on market demand and personal sentiments. Distributing these items among your beneficiaries can become a point of contention, especially when sentimental ties are strong. It’s essential to provide clear instructions in your estate plan regarding the distribution or sale of these assets to prevent disputes.

Assets with Beneficiary Designations

Assets with beneficiary designations, such as life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and certain bank accounts, bypass the traditional probate process and are directly transferred to the named beneficiaries upon the owner’s death. While this can expedite the distribution process, it’s important to keep your beneficiary designations updated to reflect your current wishes. Outdated or conflicting designations can lead to unintended recipients or disputes among heirs. You should regularly review and update these designations, especially after major life events, to ensure that these assets pass to the people you would like to receive them. 

Unique Estate Law Can Help with Your Estate Planning Needs

Addressing problematic assets in estate planning is essential for a seamless and intended transition of wealth and legacy. By proactively tackling these challenges, you can prevent potential disputes and prioritize the well-being of your beneficiaries. If you’re looking for experienced guidance on these matters, contact Unique Estate Law; we can answer your estate planning questions and ensure your peace of mind. Reach out to our team today.

About the Author
As a Minneapolis Estate Planning and Probate attorney I help build and protect families through the adoption, estate planning, and probate processes. I also have experience working with families on issues related to their small businesses. I know how difficult it is to find time to plan for the future and I am here to help walk you through it.