Older man working on will

Mistakes to Avoid with Your Health Care Directive

By Chris Tymchuck
Founding Attorney

Creating a health care directive, sometimes referred to as a living will, is an essential step in estate planning that allows you to express your medical treatment preferences should you become unable to communicate them yourself. In Minnesota, a health care directive is a comprehensive document that allows you to both communicate your medical wishes regarding end-of-life care and to choose an agent to make these decisions on your behalf if you are unable to. However, many people make critical errors when setting up this important legal document, compromising their intent and leaving room for ambiguity. Avoiding common mistakes can ensure that your wishes are clearly understood and followed, giving both you and your family peace of mind.

Not Having a Health Care Directive in the First Place

The absence of a health care directive can lead to numerous challenges, both legal and emotional, for your loved ones. Without this essential document, family members may be left guessing about your healthcare preferences, potentially leading to disputes during an already difficult time. Moreover, the lack of a health care directive can place the decision-making burden on healthcare providers, who may not have a full understanding of your values or desires. Failing to have a health care directive can result in medical interventions that you may not have wanted, affecting not just your quality of life but also causing unnecessary emotional and financial stress for your family.

Using Generic Forms Without Proper Legal Advice

Relying solely on generic forms for your health care directive might seem like a convenient and cost-effective approach, but it often falls short of addressing individual needs and specific legal requirements. These boilerplate documents may lack the nuanced language necessary to clearly articulate your medical wishes, leaving them open to interpretation. Without the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney, you may also miss state-specific clauses and provisions that are critical for the enforceability of the document. Consequently, using a generic form without proper legal advice can compromise the effectiveness of your health care directive, and potentially even render it invalid.

Being Too Vague in Your Directives

Being vague in your instructions can create a host of problems when it comes to the actual implementation of your health care directive. General or ambiguous language can lead to differing interpretations, potentially causing conflicts among family members or medical professionals who are trying to determine your wishes. Without specific guidance, healthcare providers might choose treatments that you would not have wanted, thus defeating the primary purpose of having a health care directive in the first place. It’s essential to be as detailed and clear as possible to avoid any ambiguity or confusion.

Not Discussing Your Wishes With Loved Ones

Failing to discuss your wishes outlined in your health care directive with your loved ones can be a significant oversight. When family members are unaware of your specific healthcare preferences, they may face added stress and uncertainty if they’re suddenly thrust into decision-making roles during a crisis. This lack of communication can also lead to potential disputes among relatives who might have differing opinions on what you would have wanted. Open and clear discussion about your health care directive can ease the emotional burden on your family and help ensure that your wishes are faithfully executed.

Neglecting to Update the Document

Failing to update your health care directive can result in a document that no longer reflects your current wishes or situation. Life events like marriage, divorce, or significant changes in your health condition could drastically alter your healthcare preferences. An outdated health care directive might contain names of healthcare agents who are no longer suitable or available, or it might lack new directives relevant to your current state of health. Therefore, it’s essential to review and update your health care directive periodically to ensure it remains aligned with your present circumstances and wishes.

Not Making the Document Easily Accessible

Keeping your health care directive locked away in a safe deposit box or buried in a stack of papers at home can create substantial delays when urgent decisions need to be made. In critical moments, healthcare providers and family members need quick access to your directives to ensure they’re acting according to your wishes. A document that can’t be found is essentially useless, leaving loved ones and medical staff to guess what you might have wanted. To avoid this, it’s crucial to store your health care directive in a place that is both secure and easily accessible to those who need it.

Unique Estate Law Can Help With Your Health Care Directive

Having a health care directive that articulates your wishes clearly is crucial for ensuring that you receive the medical care you desire, while also relieving your loved ones from the burden of guesswork during challenging times. A well-crafted document provides peace of mind and legal clarity, making a significant difference in how your healthcare choices are respected. If you’re looking to create or update your health care directive, don’t hesitate to contact Unique Estate Law for expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

About the Author
As a Minneapolis Estate Planning and Probate attorney I help build and protect families through the adoption, estate planning, and probate processes. I also have experience working with families on issues related to their small businesses. I know how difficult it is to find time to plan for the future and I am here to help walk you through it.